Teddy the potbelly pig

Teddy was named after Theodore Roosevelt, who was the youngest President of the United States. Teddy clearly thinks of himself as president of the pigs and is always busy breaking up arguments and making sure food is being evenly divided (except for his rations, of course. As President, he feels he deserves the larger share). If Teddy were human, he would definitely have glasses and a mustache. Teddy and his brothers were part of a hoarding case in North Carolina in which 5 animal sanctuaries came together and rescued 94 pigs. We are thrilled that Teddy lives with us now at Rosie’s Farm Sanctuary and plan to vote him back into power in the next presidential election.






Birth Place

North Carolina

Rescue Date



Pigs are surprisingly clean. They are much cleaner than most other animals, and when given a choice, they always choose to "do their business" outside and far away from where they sleep.

Meet Our Other Animals

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